^+ V0001 ALPHA FLIGHT DEMO CREATOR The main demo creator. Smd, a very good disk monitor.
Fed, a font editor, instructions on disk. ^+ V0002 CLIP ART 1.0 Animals,computers,dwellings,fantasy,food holidays misc music patterns people plants sports symbols, travel,also steps to convert dpaint art to page setter. ^+ V0003 CLIP ART 1.1 Animals,astrol,cheata,chipmonk,computers 1-8, watches,garfield,ghostbusters,fish,frogs,mickey mouse,ducks,jaguar,sports 1-20,symbols. ^+ V0004 AMIGOS DISK 1/90 GRAPHICS, MandelBrot!, HAMmmm2,Mandel.Doc, Mandel. Iff, Image-Ed and Doc. GAMES, Spaceware. MUSIC, Cello.8sux, Makesounds, Drum.8svx.
^+ V0005 AMIGOS DISK 3/90 GRAPHICS, Surf, Juggette.Anim, MergeRGB, ToV3d. GAMES, Checkers and Docs. MUSIC, SuperEcho and Docs. UTILITIES, Fast Disk II, FlastCard, FlastCard1, French, LhArcA, UsCapitals, WordWright.
^+ V0006 AMIGOS DISK 4/90 GRAPHICS, Plasma, Centre, Fix, Lift, Xcolour, EHB Plasma, IconFun and docs. GAMES, Instractions, Landing, Top Ten.
The Adaptation Displacement trope as used in popular culture. You and a pal are talking about movies, and you happen to praise a film that has been your.
UTILITIES, Ncomm2.8, Ncomm, AmigaFoxV1.0. PICS, Background 320x200, Spacestation, Starfield.Brush, Starfield.32, Title screen1 and 2. FONTS, Print Fox. SOUNDS, Docking, EndGame, Explosion, Thrust.
^+ V0007 AMIGOS DISK 6/90 Amiga Fox Word Processor V1.0, OBSESS, Obsess-o-Matic V1.0, REVERSI, RevcompV2.0. STARBLANKER, Star Blanker and Docs. ^+ V0008 EDUCATION 1 German, Learn a few vital German phrases, test routine included. Study Aid, The program allows you to enter your own questions and answes and then proceed to test you. Tutor, A talking spelling tutor. You can enter your own words but its all text.Lex, Adocument procesor that counts words, sentences and performs other analysis on your word files. Sptoy, Simply a speech toy, enter your words for a translation into phonetics.
Useful for commerical programs that allow you to enter your own speech. ^+ V0009 EDUCATION 2 Captials, test your knowledge on the US States. Elements, The periodic table in all it's glory, Any chemists dream. Globe, Just a spinning picture of the Earth, impressive but of little use.
Geotime, This program depicts a map of the earth andshows the day and night sides shaded. The map progresses in real time showing the current phase of the earth.
There is also a 3D view and you can alter the view to various points on the earth. Drawmap, want a map of the world on the screen. ^+ V0010 EDUCATION 3 Evo, well i'm no expert but i think this ones all about the evolution of human form. Nice graphical representation of skull through 20 million years.
Formula, A 3D function grapher, Cloud, Fractal generator. Evolution, Simulation of evolution cycleof a bug eating bacteria and re-acts. Func2d, plot fuctions sin ect. Worm, generates worms to fly across the screen.
Units, converts various units to another scale. Charts can also be generated. Calckey and calc, a couple of calculators. ^+ V0011 EDUCATION 4 Weather, weather forcast program. You will need to enter some stats. Gravsim, A gravity simulator for up to 6 masses. Gravweell, this program simulates the motion of up to 20 bodies in newtons universe.
Airfoil, airfoil generator utilizing thejoukowski transformation. ^+ V0012 EDUCATION 5 Calendar maker, examine and print calendars.
World databank, the CISA's database of geography. Plot, 3d graphing. Wavemaker, musical fun. Sherlock, weird document analyser. ^+ V0013 PLAY AND READ (A) Maths test, restricted machematic testing program. Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. 4 Games, concentration, shark, cat and mouse ad galatic worm.
Colourpad, colouring program.Mainly for young children - ^+ V0014 PLAY AND READ (B) Flower garden, art package. Puppy, puzzle. Wheel, (of Fortune) well implemented quiz. Tug og word, spelling game for two players.
Stepping stone, 2 player logic game. Addidrill, test addition.
Multidrill, test multiplication.Spellquiz, speech testing words. Mainly for young children - ^+ V0015 THE AMERTURE RADIO DISK This is a terminal emulator, amiga basic morse code program, tracking program,pd radio related software. ^+ V0016 FISH TANK THE AQUARIUM This is a program that simulates an aquarium, the intent of the program is to provide a visually pleasing and relatavely accurate simulation of tropical fish in a home aquarium. The survival characteristics are at least similar to the real thing. ^+ V0017 VC SPREADSHEET 'VC' is a calculator that is based on rectangular tables, in the same style as visicalc and t/maker.
^+ V0018 SNAG DISK 1/90 3 Button, For any of you that have a three-button mouse. Bubbley, This is the screen hack. DirMaster V1.1, This is probably the fastest and most versatile disk cataloger available. 0, The latest version of yet another archiving program.
MiniMiga, This is for all of you that want a laptop Amiga. MkDir V1.2, This is another program to create drawer icon and new directory at the same time.
Monopoly, A new version of this board game. Print, A small file printing utility, S-View V3.0, The latest version of SuperView with improvements. Sho, Another IFF picture viewer. UnZIPV2.0, An updated version of UnZip, - ^+ V0019 SNAG DISK 2/90 C64Emul, This of course is NOT a true C64 Emulator but you can have some fun with it anyway. It WILL make your screen LOOK like a 64 screen, and you can enter C 64 commands.
LHwarp1.2, Version 1.2 of an outstanding disk utility. Mackie, This is version 1.3 of a multi-purpose utility best explained in the docs. Pictures, Two absolutely outstanding by our own Rick Park. Yatc, Yet Another Tetris Clone. Undo, This is a little utility to help you un-archive modem-packed files.
NewZap320, Version 3.2 on NewZap. Mandala, A sound and graphics program just for enjoying.
PCopy, Another disk copying program. ZeroVirus2, Version 2.0 of an outstanding virus detection. PupMenu, A very small utility to help you find your menus. ^+ V0020 VARIOUS ART UTILITIES Raytracer, Excellent program to allow you to generate ray tracing images.
Ray2 glass, create and than display a file. Rot, program to generate 3d objects. Vdraw, dpaint style paint program. Mcad, an object-oriented drawing program. ^+ V0021 WORD PROCESSOR, MICROEMACS Microemacs word processor, Customized emacs editor for wp.
X-Spell, amiga spell Databasing. Qbase, an excellent mailbase utility, houseinv, mailmgr, refmgr.
^+ V0022 AMIGOS DISK 7/90 GAMES, Trek the Shoot em up. GRAPHICS, Fish Tank Simulator. SOUND, Startrek, gmvsnd, music.Doc. UTILITIES, Bootboy, ZeroVirusII. POINTERS, Bee, Bird,Bolt,Earwig,Eye,Fang,Finger,Get Pointer, NewSpritex,Nose and Eye,PointerDemo,Prancer,Puma, PutPointer,RedRabbit,Skull,Smiley,Snail,Sword, Taddy,Turble,XMasTree,Zeus. ^+ V0023 APPOINTMENT CALENDER Nag' is an electronic appointment calendar for the Amiga.
In addition to keeping track of your appointments, your anniversary, and your mother-in-law's birthday, `Nag' can be instructed to gently remind you by popping up a display of the next `nagged event'. It will hang around flashing or beeping or playing a digital sample and/orusing the Amiga's voice to 'NAG' (remind) you every 30 seconds until you respond. ^+ V0024 BANKN V1.5 The Bank'n system will allow you to keep your bank account in perfect balance with ease.
The way it works is that you enter transactions into the checkbook journal as they occur. Your are presented with the remaining balance after each transaction has been entered. Before you begin, you may customize the expense code table to fit your particular situation and specify budget amounts for each category if desired. An option is available to produce your monthly reconciliation as well as several detail & summary reports. The most useful function is the ability to search the checkbook journal for the occurrence of any desired search argument. The system is actually composed of seven separate programs.
^+ V0025 KEYLOCK PROTECTION KeyLock: Keylock simply freezes the keyboard and the mouse so that nothing can enter the system. The only way to get out is by entering a correct password. Well, you can reboot or turn off the system to get out also. Its purpose is to protect the system from naughty fingers of your kids, friends, etc.
Even, you can make a pratical joke to yourfriend's system. ^+ V0026 THE JOURNAL The Journal provides a simplified approach for your financial record keeping requirements.You can use the system for a variety of purposes,such as keeping track of bank accounts,credit cards, accounts recievable,accounts payable,and income & expenses for your club.You may establish any number of accounts & enter debit or credit transactions asthey occur. As transactions are entered,a running balance is provided at the bottom of the screen.
An option is provided that will allow you to print a statement for any given account. ^+ V0027 QUICKBASE Quick-Base is a MailBase Management utility. That is, a utility that allows you to define and maintain records of family, friends, businesses etc. That you frequently correspond with in some way or another. ^+ V0028 WORD WRIGHT AND AMIGA SPELL Wordwright is made up of a collection of four integrated packages, a word processor, an outliner, mail merge, and a set of general purpose utilities. A few of the more unusual features of Wordwright are listed below.This program will check the spelling of any file. Misspelled words can be printed on the printer and/or corrected within the file.New words can be added to the glossary.
A word is defined as a sequence of three or more alphabetic characters, including hyphens and apostrophes. A misspelled word is define as a word not found in the glossary. The current glossary contains only about 9000 words, so this is a loose definition.