Full text of 'PROCESS AND REALITYAN ESSAY IN COSMOLOGYGifford Lectures Delivered in the Universityof Edinburgh During the Session 1927-28BYALFRED NORTH WHITEHEADF.R.S., ScD. (Cambridge), Hon.
Andrews), Hon. (Harvard and Yale)CORRECTED EDITIONEdited ByDAVID RAY GRIFFINANDDONALD W. SHERBURNETHE FREE PRESSA Division of Macmillan Publishing Co, Inc.New YorkCopyright © 1978 by The Free PressA Division of Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.Copyright, 1929, by Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.Copyright renewed 1957 by Evelyn Whitehead.All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproducedor transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by anyinformation storage and retrieval system, without permissionin writing from the Publisher.The Free Press.A Division of Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc.866 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022Collier Macmillan Canada, Ltd.Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 77-90011Printed in the United States of Americaprinting number1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication DataWhitehead, Alfred North, IB6I-I9V7.Process and reality.(Gifford lectures; 1927-28)Includes index.1.
Cosmology— Addresses, essays, lectures.2. Science—.Philosophy— Addresses, essays, lectures.3. Organism (Philosophy)— Addresses, essays, lectures.I. Griffin, David II. Sherburne, Donald W.III. Series.BD5H.W5 1978 11ISBN 0-02-93ll580-4 ^EDITORS' PREFACEProcess and Reality, Whitehead's magnum opus, is one of the majorphilosophical works of the modern world, and an extensive body of sec-ondary literature has developed around it.
Yet surely no significant philo-sophical book has appeared in the last two centuries in nearly so deplorablea condition as has this one, with its many hundreds of errors and withover three hundred discrepancies between the American (Macmillan) andthe English (Cambridge) editions, which appeared in different formatswith divergent paginations. The work itself is highly technical and far fromeasy to understand, and in many passages the errors in those editions weresuch as to compound the difficulties. The need for a corrected edition hasbeen keenly felt for many decades.The principles to be used in deciding what sorts of corrections ought tobe introduced into a new edition of Process and Reality are not, however,immediately obvious. Settling upon these principles requires that one takeinto account the attitude toward book production exhibited by White-head, the probable history of the production of this volume, and the twooriginal editions of the text as they compare with each other and withother books by Whitehead. We will discuss these various factors to providebackground in terms of which the reader can understand the rationale forthe editorial decisions we have made.Whitehead did not spend much of his own time on the routine tasksassociated with book production. Professor Raphael Demos was a youngcolleague of Whitehead on the Harvard faculty at the time, 1925, of thepublication of Science and the Modern World. Demos worked over themanuscript editorially, read the proofs, and did the Index for that volume.The final sentence of Whitehead's Preface reads: 'My most gratefulthanks are due to my colleague Mr.
Raphael Demos for reading the proofsand for the suggestion of many improvements in expression.' After re-tiring from Harvard in the early 1960's, Demos became for four years acolleague at Vanderbilt University of Professor Sherburne and shared withhim his personal observations concerning Whitehead's indifference to theproduction process.Bertrand Russell x provides further evidence of Whitehead's sense ofpriorities when he reports that Whitehead, in response to Russell's com-1 Portraits from Memory (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1956), p. 104.vi Editors' Prefaceplaint that he had not answered a letter, 'justified himself by saying thatif he answered letters, he would have no time for original work/' Russellfound this justification 'complete and unanswerable/'In 1929, when Process and Reality was in production, the same sense ofpriorities was operative. Whitehead was sixty-eight years old, and he stillhad major projects maturing in his mind: Adventures of Ideas, Modes ofThought, and numerous articles and lectures were still to come. 'Originalwork,' fortunately, continued to take precedence in his life over humdrumdetails and trivia. Unfortunately, however, 1929 found Demos in England(working with Russell). As best we can determine at this time, no onewith both a familiarity with Whitehead's thought and an eye for detailundertook to shepherd Process and Reality through the production process—Demos, in particular, was never aware that anyone else from the philo-sophical community had worked on the manuscript or proofs.
Whitehead'sonly personal acknowledgment in the Preface is to 'the constant encourage-ment and counsel which I owe to my wife.' An examination of the available evidence, including the discrepanciesbetween the two original editions and the types of errors they contained,has led us to the following reconstruction of the production process and ofthe origin of some of the types of errors.First, to some extent in conjunction with the preparation of his GiffordLectures and to some extent as an expansion and revision of them, 2 White-head prepared a hand-written manuscript. Many of the errors in the finalproduct, such as incorrect references, misquoted poetry, other faulty quo-tations, faulty and inconsistent punctuation, and some of the wrong andmissing words, surely originated at this stage and were due to Whitehead'slack of attention to details.
In addition, the inconsistencies in formal mat-ters were undoubtedly due in part to the fact that the manuscript wasquite lengthy and was written over a period of at least a year and a half.Second, a typist (possibly at Macmillan) prepared a typed copy for theprinter. The errors that crept into the manuscript at this stage seem to in-clude, besides the usual sorts of typographical errors, misreadings of White-head's somewhat difficult hand. 3 For example, the flourish initiatingWhitehead's capital 'H' was sometimes transcribed as a 'T,' so that'His' came out 'This,' and 'Here' came out 'There.' Also, not only theregular mistranscription of 'Monadology' as 'MonodoZogy,' but alsoother mistranscriptions, such as 'transmuted' for 'transmitted' and'goal' for 'goad,' probably occurred at this stage. (Professor Victor Lowe2 See Victor Lowe, 'Whitehead's Gifford Lectures/' The Southern journal ofPhilosophy, Vol.
4 (Winter, 1969-70), 329-38.3 For samples of his handwriting, see the letters published in Alfred NorthWhitehead: Essays on His Philosophy, ed. Kline (New York: Pren-tice-Hall, 1963), p. 197; and The Philosophy of Alfred North Whitehead, ed.Paul Arthur Schilpp, 2nd ed. (New York: Tudor Publishing, 1951), pp. 664-65.Editors' Preface viihas reported an incident which, whether or not it involved a misreading ofWhitehead's handwriting, provided— as Lowe says— a bad omen for whatwould happen to the book: 'On April 11, 1928, Kemp Smith received thiscable from Whitehead: title gifford lectures is process and realitySYLLOBUS FOLLOWING SHORTLY BY MAIL WHITCHCAD.'
4 )Third, it appears that Macmillan set type first and that Cambridge setits edition a bit later, using either a copy of the typed manuscript or, morelikely, a copy of Macmillan's proof sheets. There are a large number oferrors which the two editions had in common, a large number in the Mac-millan edition which were not in the Cambridge edition, and some few inthe latter which were not in the former.
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