ROM BIOS or commonly known as BIOS is an integral part of a computer. Whenever we turn on the computer, initially it shows the memory capacity, also suddenly the light of the NUM lock glows, and there is a beep sound at end, after which we see the familiar Windows Logo. For a computer geek this is a normal behavior which a computer exhibits after it is turned on, however the same cannot be said about others who are not much familiar with computer hardware, and might be using it to accomplish the daily tasks. They might keep on wondering, what exactly happens when the computer is actually turned on.
Here comes the role and importance of the BIOS. It is a chip located on the systemboard or motherboard of a computer. It holds all the information pertaining to the hardware of the computer.
Suppose you have added a new hard drive to your computer to enhance the space, and that hard drive is not getting detected in BIOS.Will you be able to use that drive once you login to Windows? The answer is No, BIOS has to detect the hard drive first, since it holds all the information related to hardware settings, and then it will be detected by the operating System.BIOS hold all the information related to hardware settings, system date and time.
It is also responsible to initiate POST which is a self-check done on the system by itself.Part 1: How to crack BIOS passwordThere are some annoying scenarios where you want to change some settings in BIOS and you find that it is not taking the password. You might get a screen like this.This also might be a scenario where you have bought the computer for someone else and the seller didn’t share the BIOS password. Also possible that someone else uses the same computer and has set a different password in BIOS. We keep on trying with our best guessed passwords. But, after certain tries also it didn’t work, then do what?
If I cannot enter BIOS that means I won’ be able to make any changes in settings.In that case we have to break the BIOS password.There are different ways to crack BIOS password. Some steps are given below:Step 1 The first option will be to change the Password Jumper Settings on the BIOS. There is a specific jumper on the motherboard which is meant for this.